Sunday, May 27, 2018

Version 1.0.0 Uploaded and ready for launch date

The game is uploaded and ready for my June 15 launch.
Visit Realms of Supremacy to purchase the game for it's early release June 15th. 

Version 1.0.0
Polished all dialog
Improved Menu screen
Damage cap based on difficulty (harder the difficulty, lower the damage cap)
Changed animation for Mega Nuke
Changed animation for Ultimate White Magic

Version 0.7.0
Creating build for Steam
4 Actors
4 Classes
55 Total Skills
52 Items (Including Key Items)
19 Weapons
41 Pieces of Armor
183 Enemies in List (Including Slots Needed to Randomize Monsters)
129 Troops (Populates Random Monsters and Boss Fights)
20 Status Effects
120 Battle Animations
33 Common Events (Used to Randomize Dungeons, Loot From Chests, Dungeon Rewards, and Selling Function to Mass Sell Weapons and Armor
2 Skill Types
8 Elements
3 Weapon Types
12 Armor Types
7 Equipment Types

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Realms of Supremacy coming soon for Early Release on Steam

Just started my blog so I can communicate with everyone about my game that I'm creating and publishing on Steam. My goal is to have an early release for my game by June 15th. This is where I will be posting updates about my game and hearing what everyone has to say about the game as it's being created. This game is a huge project and is currently only at being 6% completed. 10% of the game will be finished by the time I have it ready for early release. There will be enough in the game to get a feel of game play, how the battle system works, and to see how all the different skills, items, and synthesis currently works.

I look forward to viewing everyone's comments and views when the game is in Early Release and want to see what everyone is hoping to see during future development.

I'll send the link to the Steam store page as soon as it's available.

Thank you everyone in advance for your support.