Saturday, October 27, 2018

Progression Update

I know it's been a while since I posted or gave any updates on the next patch. I'm at a stand still at the moment. The development of the game is so big that my laptop keeps crashing because I don't have enough ram to handle it. I'm currently saving up some money so I can buy and install upgrades to my system so I can continue building my game. I want to thank everyone for your support.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Patch 1.9.2

It is recommended to start a new game when downloading new patch
+ New Game can crash when you reach that point in the game

Version 1.9.2
Fixed infinite items from chest glitch in Jupiter and Saturn dungeons
Fixed Revive Rotetsen (Wasn't reviving party members)

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Patch 1.9.1

Version 1 is coming to a close and version 2 is getting closer to starting. As the game gets more popular and more copies are sold, I'll be buying more packs to add more animations to the skills and I'll be adding more monsters in the list. As more free content is available, I'll be adding that in the meantime. Until that happens, I'm going to be focusing on map design, dungeon design, and each realm dives deeper into the story. I want to thank everyone that has given me feedback and support to this point.

It is recommended to start a new game when downloading new patch
+ New Game can crash when you reach that point in the game

Version 1.9.1

Exit Game function added to startup screen

Max Level Increased to 3000 (prepping for version 2.1)

Fixed minor glitches with random transport in dungeons

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Patch 1.9.0

It is recommended to start a new game when downloading new patch
+ New Game can crash when you reach that point in the game

Version 1.9.0
R2 Earth dungeon completed
R2 Earth - 2 dungeon completed
R2 Hell dungeon completed
Updated R2 dialog for cut scene

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Patch 1.8.0

It is recommended to start a new game when downloading new patch
+ New Game can crash when you reach that point in the game

Version 1.8.0

R2 Pluto dungeon completed

Added save points on odd floor dungeons before transporting to next point

Lowered MP needed for Samurai skills

Monday, July 30, 2018

Patch 1.7.0

It is recommended to start a new game when downloading new patch
+ New Game can crash when you reach that point in the game

Version 1.7.0

R2 Neptune dungeon completed

Can no longer buy back items to vendors (was getting leaks that collecting gold was easy by selling to vendor than going to the sell all vendor and was able to get the end game items after the second dungeon)

Patch 1.6.0

It is recommended to start a new game when downloading new patch
+ New Game can crash when you reach that point in the game

Version 1.6.0
Still working on Alchemy crashes
R2 Uranus dungeon completed
Fixed teleportation glitch in Mercury & Venus dungeons to wrong pub & town after completion
Fixed items not being consumed when used for repairing durability